Vernietigingspolitiek: EU-resolutie 1743 – Islam door je strot, slikken of stikken

         Ik heb deze verachtelijke Resolutie opgezocht en ik denk dat wij dit Verradersreglement massaal moeten verspreiden. Onderstaand enige artikelen uit deze resolutie.

– The Assembly recalls that Islamism is the view that Islam is not only a religion but also a social, legal and political code of conduct.

– The Assembly also recalls that discrimination against Muslims is unacceptable and must be combated. A great majority of European Muslims share the principles at the basis of our societies and it is essential to fight against Islamophobia, which stems mainly from lack of awareness and from negative perceptions associating Islam with violence

– The Assembly deplores that a growing number of political parties in Europe exploit and encourage fear of Islam and organise political campaigns which promote simplistic and negative stereotypes concerning Muslims in Europe and often equate Islam with extremism. It is inadmissible to incite intolerance and sometimes even hatred against Muslims. The Assembly calls on member states to pursue political action in accordance with General Policy Recommendation No. 5 (2000) of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) on combating intolerance and discrimination against Muslims. It reiterates that it is for the member states to reject political statements that stir up fear and hatred of Muslims and Islam, while complying with the stipulations of the Convention, in particular Article 10.2.

– Muslims are at home in Europe where they have been present for many centuries, as the Assembly noted in its Recommendation 1162 (1991) on the contribution of the Islamic civilisation to European culture. Islam, Judaism and Christianity – the three monotheist religions – share the same historic and cultural roots and recognise the same fundamental values, in particular the paramount value of human life and dignity, the ability and freedom to express thoughts, the respect for others and their property, and the importance of social welfare. Those values have been reflected by European philosophies and have been included in the European Convention on Human Rights (“the Convention”; ETS No. 5).

– While organisational structures of Muslim communities in member states are desirable in order to facilitate contacts with governmental and administrative bodies, member governments and parliaments should also seek to establish direct political contacts with Muslims as equal citizens

Hier de verzwegen Resolutie

Lees hier de bron:

E.J. Bron


(Door: “Islamofobia Terrorist”)

Van achterkamertjesresolutie 1743, waarmee in Europa de islam versterkt én de islamisering versneld wordt, heeft bijna geen Europeaan ooit gehoord. De islam krijgt daarin een speciale status aangemeten waarmee moslims alle ruimte en middelen krijgen om met hun religie, cultuur en tradities het leven van de gewone Europeanen te verpesten. Deze leugenresolutie is officieel bekrachtigd en nationale regeringen maken daar beleid op. Wat simpelweg neerkomt op het ontkennen én verliezen van onze eigen cultuur en identiteit in ruil voor meer islam.

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